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I've opened a teespring!

Illustration with Animation third year gallery show

Artwork for the back of my cards

So, the name of my imaginary card game is 'Monster Shuffle' and here is the artwork for what would go on the back of all the cards. I wanted to design something creepy with recognisable imagery and I think this does the job just fine!

I have a Redbubble!

I have a redbubble account! Head over to to view my products I have for sale featuring past illustrations including this 

Final Design for The Shining

Here it is! Fresh imagery and a different approach to what I was going for. For this I did a drawing of the door at a scewed angle. I put this through photoshop and enhanced the colours to make them more striking. I also wanted to include redrum and did so on the back cover. I've chosen a typewriter font which is suited very well if you know the story. I'm glad this is done beause this is the one I had the most anxiety about.

Cass Arts featured me!

So I heard about a competition from Cass Arts to have your design on a sketchbook if you win. Now I haven't won but I was featured as a highlight along with all these other talented artists. We wont know who has won until after May 1st but this is such a proud moment for me even though it's something so small.

Finished Frankenstein book cover art

Here is the final book cover art for Frankenstein. This was a lot of fun to make and I am happy with how it's turned out. Still have two more to do so I better get to work!

Alternate Frankenstein Covers

Here's a little bit of a different angle. So I've been exploring with a wilting flower idea for Frankenstein however I like the idea of featuring body parts on the cover. I've formed the image of a flower-like shape using a human heart. The stem is an artery with bolts sticking out like thorns.  For the back cover ive used simply imagery and left a space for the blurb. These were both done with letraset/windsor and newton promarkers and derwent inktense blocks.

Creepy doll designs

This cheerful chap is the stuff of some people's childhood nighmares. Or even their adult nightmares. My aim with this was to make it look old and neglected. Here I used Windsor and Newton water colours along with Derwent inktense blocks. What's creepier than a victorian child's doll? As evidenced by the many horror movies that feature old and creepy possessed dolls, a lot people have a fear of these inanimate objects. Which is why I'm featuring a doll as part of my project. This was coloured with Derwent inktense blocks. Sitting positions

Goblins update

In keeping with the other goblin that I coloured, I've given these two designs a mossy and mouldy type look. Out of all of them I like how the old man goblin and the orcish looking goblin from a previous post are my favourite so a decision has to be made soon on that one. However, I feel like the orcish goblin will fit best because of the tone I'm going for. These were both done with Windsor and Newton water colours combined with Derwent Inktense blocks.  


 These are very fun to draw. Especially since I made the decision to reimagine them as feral beings instead of tiny, old, and grouchy creatures. I experimented with watercolour and used a cold, wet and mossy colour palette to match th environment where goblins are said to be found.

Mothman designs

These are 3 designs for the mothman. I basically created a humanoid moth, very gangly and furry. My favourites are the one in the middle and the one on the right. However, the middle one I feel is the best combination of human and moth.

Slenderman designs

 Here's some slenderman designs for my card game imagery. Slenderman has become a modern day boogieman and I feel like my imagery needed a contemporary touch. He's often depicted to have tentacles so I've tried to incorporate those as best as I could. I gave him a prop to hold as well; children's toys to demonstrate a key feature of Slenderman - child snatching.

Dracula Book Cover - Watercolour experiment

 I've tried to create the vision I had in my head with watercolours. It's worked out well but I need to tighten things up in photoshop and maybe tone down the red a bit. I also used a pipette to drip some red ink on there. I now have to work on the back cover of the book and spine.

Scary Mermaid

      My scary fish lady. More commonly known as a mermaid. Mermaids are often portrayed as beautiful creatures, and good ones too. But this one is evil as you can probably tell by the sharp teeth and angry eyes. Not your typical mermaid. This idea is based off old pirate tales of mermaids pulling you overboard before drowning you and devouring your body for lunch.

Ghostly apparition idea

  This poor unfortunate soul is my ghost girl character idea. Not easy being a ghost and reliving (so to speak) being shot over and over again. She's not a happy ghosty. Classic long white dress, dark hair and dead eyes. Why are most ghost sightings that of a victorian era spirit? I've always wondered...

The Shining book cover progress

Putting a lot of emphasis on 217 here because for anyone who hasn't read the book it doesn't give anything away and it sparks curiosity. The twins are also an eye catching image as we often find ourselves doing a double take at twins in the street to figure out if were seeing things or not. But anyway, I jotted these down with no facial features and I actually quite like the uncertain feeling it gives.

Frankenstein Book cover progress

I'm rolling with the dead flower idea because to me a flower is a beautiful representation of life and death which links in with the story of Frankenstein's monster. I've added stitches to the petals and the stem to demonstrate pieces being put back together. I'm going with a more subtle approach to the book cover because in my opinion less is more in this case. Despite everyone being fearful of Frankenstein's monster, there is a vulnerability there that makes him such an endearing and tragic character for the reader.

Dracula book cover ideas

So here we have four ideas for the cover of Bram Stoker's Dracula. I picked Dracula because it's  a classic story of love, loss and horror. I used eyes and the neck because these are two vulnerable areas and I wanted to display a simple image representing  Meena's vulnerability. I may do covers from Dracula's perspective to show his vulnerability which is not something we see in modern vampire stories today. Dracula's vulnerability in Bram Stoker's version is what draws me to it.

Ghouley blobs and horned skeletons

Meet the blobbiest, most slimy ghoul ever. I thought this was a fun idea for one of the cards and what's not to like about a blobby ghoul? Not sure what powers he would have yet. I'm imagining a situation where he could throw up on another player's character causing temporary blindness. The utterly delightful things I think of! This is creepy, right? Thinking of making this a reaper sort of character. Jealous of the living.

Initial ideas

So to begin with, I started researching different types of monsters of folklore from Japan. One of the creatures that sticks with me is  Yokai . I love that Yokai can be anything from a normal ghostly apparition to a terrifying demon. For my first idea I went with the classic Japanese horror trope of a girl with long hair wearing a white nightdress. I've drawn her to be a poor, tortured soul forever cursed to exist in our world. Quite the typical profile for a ghost really! Two different designs and torturous situations. Lovely!

New projects I'm working on

Back in uni, two new projects to do. The first being to design character/images for a made up table top card game. I've been greatly inspired by Andy Hunt's card game Necronomicards  Click here to check it out  It's a horror themed card game with monsters from all different cultures and mythologies. This theme is my kinda thing so I'm very excited to start creating these characters. The second project I'm working on is to design a book cover. Unsure of which story yet but it will be horror/thriller/mystery themed I can say that much .