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Showing posts from November, 2016

Expressions are hard to come up with!

I sat down last night and started one of my character expression sheet. It's difficult to think of expressions that we make and how mixed up or misinterpreted they can become!

Dia de los Muertos character/companion examples

Below are some example of my designs for the dotd companion.   Armadillo idea bow tie to symbolise ownership common armadillo look Iguana Bracelet to symbolise ownership Would perch on the character's shoulder Donkey Flowery garland in keeping with the dotd festival Painted on pattern in fur Chupacabra creature of mexican lore I pictured a humanoid creature

Post apocalyptic character ideas

Here are some examples of my designs for this character Winter outfit Hunting weapon for stealth   Military past Camouflage to blend in Sturdy boots for easy travel Ordinary person who's had to learn to fend for herself. Found a bow to hunt for food. Ordinary civilian clothes

Character companions

Thoroughly enjoying designing the companions for my characters because I feel like I have such freedom with it and I can design some quirky looking creatures!

Day of the Dead character design progress

For my character design project this year I picked three themes. I got the themes from a Facebook page called character design references and they hold these challenges every month with a different theme each time. So I picked: Dia de los Muertos, Post Apocalyptic, and Vampires. I'm finalising my ideas at the moment so here is my Dia de los Muertos character idea. I wanted to give the look of a split personality. Another entity taking over her and sharing her body. All of these characters are designed with the idea that they would be featured in a game. Not a specific game, but these are the types of characters that would fit in the video game world. My next project will be to put these characters in to environments that would also feature in the game.