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Illustration with Animation third year gallery show

Artwork for the back of my cards

So, the name of my imaginary card game is 'Monster Shuffle' and here is the artwork for what would go on the back of all the cards. I wanted to design something creepy with recognisable imagery and I think this does the job just fine!

I have a Redbubble!

I have a redbubble account! Head over to to view my products I have for sale featuring past illustrations including this 

Final Design for The Shining

Here it is! Fresh imagery and a different approach to what I was going for. For this I did a drawing of the door at a scewed angle. I put this through photoshop and enhanced the colours to make them more striking. I also wanted to include redrum and did so on the back cover. I've chosen a typewriter font which is suited very well if you know the story. I'm glad this is done beause this is the one I had the most anxiety about.

Cass Arts featured me!

So I heard about a competition from Cass Arts to have your design on a sketchbook if you win. Now I haven't won but I was featured as a highlight along with all these other talented artists. We wont know who has won until after May 1st but this is such a proud moment for me even though it's something so small.

Finished Frankenstein book cover art

Here is the final book cover art for Frankenstein. This was a lot of fun to make and I am happy with how it's turned out. Still have two more to do so I better get to work!